ours new Indie music toolbar: all the new songs and albums in one place

ours new Indie music toolbar: all the new songs and albums in one place
Made Indie music toolbar(!!!). all the best blogs(for mp3s and full albums) and music magazines in one place, hope you enjoy this

Sigur Rós - We Play Endlessly

Hear the Music

"Here in Iceland we've always considered ourselves Independent
People, so it's a pleasure to put together this 'late period'
collection to help us through a time when everything is
walking on hind legs." Sigur Ros

1. Hoppipolla 4:29
2. Inni Mer Syngur Vitleysingur 4:04
3. Saeglopur 7:31
4. Gobbledigook 3:05
5. I Gaer 6:22
6. Fljotavik 3:46
7. Hafsol 9:47
8. Heysatan 4:11
9. Ti Ki 8:51

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